November and early-mid December quiet for callouts and standbys for SAR, but Land SAR activity still occurring.
What happens behind the scene and often out of ‘public eye’.
Nov 2008
– Committee Meeting
– Fireworks Fund raiser and Communications Exercise
– LSAR 2008 Conference in Palmerston North (3 days)
Dec 2008
– Committee Meeting
– Whangarei Lions Club Presentation and Dinner
– Xmas BBQ and Service Award presentation
– Surf Lifesaving / Coastguard liaison Meeting with Police at Maritime center in Auckland
– NEST Rescue Helicopter Meeting, Tracking & Beacon activation
The above is an example of what happens throughout the year. Some of these activities involve just one or two members of the committee, other activities involve the full committee or group. Frequently members do have the option of becoming more involved in some of these.